to run your own surplus of creative, joyful, healing
energy to support, nurture, cleanse and refresh
YOU in 20 minutes!
Remove negative energy in your space that is not yours!
Drain stress and tension from every cell in your body!
Feel every particle of your body being illuminated from
within as you over-flow with creative, healing, joyful
Fill yourself up with the energy to REGENERATE, to
REJUVENATE, to RECREATE yourself in your own TRUE image
NOW with Lance Thurston's guided HEALING MEDITATION!
Terms: Lovability, Anger, Healing Meditation audio
sessions are copyrighted and are for personal use only.
They are not for resale. Disclaimer:
These audios are not meant to diagnose, treat medical
problems or to be used as a substitute for medical
treatment, counseling or mental health services.
Listen to

© 2002 Eugene Bunch J. Mancini All Rights Reserved.

to regenerate and rejuvenate
yourself with creative, healing,
joyful energy now!"
- Lance Thurston
Comments: |
"I listen to this whenever I
just want to kick back and treat myself to a 20
minute mental, emotional, spiritual cleaning... it's
like a spa for the spirit!"
"A very creative multi-purpose CD! Calms me
down when I am stressed and perks me up when I'm
feeling drained!"
Rotor rooter for a clogged head! I listened to
your CD and cleared out a ton of other people's
"you shoulds" from my mind! And away
goes other people's energies down the drain!"
"I got this when I was at a point in my life
when I was feeling very low self-esteem. I
listened to this tape once a day for about 2 weeks
and within about a week people started to notice
the change and commented on how I seemed more
together, happier for some reason. I was smiling
again! I now listen to the CD
"as-needed" whenever I need a boost!
Lance FREE!
Thurston talks about his work with NLP,
Parapsychology and his success reframing emotions
such as anger and lovability. A must listen for
anyone interested in Lance's Guided Audio Sessions.