Since we are Logical,
intelligent people, we try to solve our problems
The trouble is that most problems are not logical but emotional.
Trying to solve emotional problems such as Anger,
Shame, Guilt, Abandonment, Rejection, Fear of Power,
Success, etc. logically is likely not
even possible.
Emotions and Logic are like two different languages. My
belief is that Emotions are our body's original
language; beginning even in the womb...
receive 60% of our basic personality during
those 9 months and on the day of birth we first
learn about breathing, eating, touch, change of
temperature, others and much more. |
the time we are 2 1/2, we had 85% of our
personality, and we still don't have a developed
brain. |
the age of 7 our brain shifts from the emotional
language of the child to the adult language
around it. However the brain is 98% programmed
emotionally already. |
The results are that when
we try to connect with our emotional problems we are
using the wrong language; Logic. This is similar to
reading a French book with a German dictionary.
notice that the more emotional a person gets, the
more childlike they behave?
For example:
The angrier a person gets, the more they get red
faced and can't talk, just like a baby. That's because
they learned anger
as a baby. Some people learn Anger in the womb and black
out with extreme Anger, going Berserk.
Why do we get easily overwhelmed because of rejection or
Babies are easily overpowered. It's an extension of
emotional intelligence. We think that we can control our
emotional life using strict discipline, rigid control,
logic, Spirituality, etc. Thus cutting off the possibility
of using the emotions for fun and profit. You can go to
college to learn logic and church or guru to learn spirit,
do you go to learn how to grow up the emotions?
I've found
that a combination of Spirit and N.L.P. can be used to
evolve emotions into the adult stage where they can be
used to live a Open, Joyful life, without
language of your body itself is your
Many teachers
have concentrated on exploring intelligence. Many others
work to develop your spirituality. Very rare are those who
possess the knowledge and tools needed to help you to
develop your emotions. When Spirit wishes to
communicate with intelligence, it must go through the body
that your intelligence is housed in.
The language of your body itself is your emotions.
If your emotions are negative or confused, then so is the
Spiritual message distorted. Clear, clean emotions let the
Spiritual messages go through accurately, correctly.
SHAME and FEAR control our
unconscious behavior and force us to sabotage ourselves
and our relationships.
How many times
have you heard people say, "I didn't mean to hurt
you." or "I don't know why I do these
things." or "I can't stop doing
that." or "Why can't I seem to get
believe that we only use perhaps 2 percent of our
potential brain power. The other 98 percent is
hidden in our subconscious FEELINGS, EMOTIONS, and
subconscious out numbers the intellect by
50 to 1.
who wins? |
That 98% of
your mind is in control and you've never learned to
communicate with it properly. That means that thinking
your way out of an emotional problem may not even be
It also means that any changes made in the
subconscious would be at least 50 times more powerful
than thinking. Positive feelings, based on reality,
are far more effective than positive thinking.
attitudes, feelings, knowing, values that you have, were
learned the first few years of your life.
They shaped your unconscious mind, and your unconscious
mind shaped your life. You are at the mercy of
unconscious beliefs that you aren't
even consciously aware of. As we used to say: "LOTSA LUCK!"
How can you
get in touch with feelings that you first learned
as a baby?
recently has research begun to uncover ways to
consistently, correctly work with the subconscious
It is now possible to effectively and safely enter into
your unconscious mind and uncover the REAL
reasons why your life is the way it is.
I use the latest, most effective ways to show you how to
get in touch with the real designer of your life, your
unconscious mind, to heal and transform your
emotions into wonderful, joyful tools that you can use
to lead your REAL happy life.
As I wrote
above, this is my belief! I might be wrong, but as
long as I have close to 100% success in a session, I'll
keep on using it.
Lance Thurston
Hear Lance talks about his work with NLP, emotions,
psychic psychology and more at
Message from Lance About NLP
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Eugene Bunch J. Mancini All Rights Reserved.