Lance Thurston, Certified Neuro-linguistic
Metaprogrammer and Psychic Minister, was born January
31, 1935 in Pueblo, Colorado.
Lance spent the first 6 months of his life in a mining
camp at an altitude of 12,000 feet. His father became a
construction worker and by the time Lance was 2 years
old, he had been through 22 states riding in the back of
a model T Ford. Lance became immune to motion and
altitude sickness.
Moving to San Francisco, the family split up. Lance's
father joined the Merchant Marines during World War 2.
He lived but never came back. Lance's
mother worked 2 jobs to support the family and at age
ten, Lance landed his first job selling papers at the
corner of 7th and Fulton in San Francisco.
In college, Lance studied psychology and speech. He
entered the U.S. Army in 1955 becoming a newsreel
cameraman and audio recording engineer stationed in
Returning to the states, Lance became a private
ambulance driver attendant. In four years of ambulance
work, not a single life was lost in his ambulance.
Shortly after, Lance launched a creative career selling
his own handcrafted jewelry and sculpture in Ghiradelli
After 20 years of selling his creations at Arts fairs
all over the country, Lance needed a new challenge.
In the early eighties
(thirty years after he first became interested in
Parapsychology), Lance enrolled at the Berkeley
Psychic Institute.

Lance graduated a minister from B.P.I. and joined their
teaching staff. Having progressed as far as possible at
the Institute, Lance went out on his own.
Lance discovered that around 30% of his clients were
making real life changes in only one reading. The other
70% were only getting good "information" from
their reading. Although these success percentages were
considered to be above average, Lance was dissatisfied
and psychically called out for help.
Lance then discovered and began to study the new, very
effective discipline, Neuro-linguistic Psychology.
In classes composed of doctors, psychologists, social
workers and CIA agents, Lance became a Certified Neuro-linguistic
Lance then successfully integrated the dynamics of
Parapsychology and Neuro-linguistic Psychology creating
"Psychic Psychology"
An excellent communicator, Lance was popular at many
levels due to his extremely diverse range of
information, skill in understanding and ability to
empathize - without judgment or criticism.
Enthusiastic and happy in his work... Lance was
continually seeking more effective techniques to enable
people to attain a greater level of happiness and
Lance always looked for
new outlets for self - expression, and opportunities to
broaden his base of reference.

In addition to private consultations, lectures on
various New Age topics, and Lance's "Psychic
Psychology" radio show on KEST 1450 AM (hear
clips!), Lance was also producer / host of
"Psychic Psychology," a weekly community cable
T.V. show on Alameda channel 3. Lance interviewed
interesting and varied guests in a talk-show, phone-in
format, on topics ranging from psychology to

Like all artists, Lance was a little eccentric. He wore
bright Hawaiian shirts and shorts. He'd tell you that
bright colors create / attract positive energy and open
up an inner vision. Bare arms, bare legs, bare skin can
learn to attract life energy... Mana, Prana, Chi, Qi,
God's breath... whatever you wish to call it.

Lance has helped people to find a happier, truer
through his readings, consultations, workshops and lectures
on how to turn one's life into a joyful journey.
Guided Audio mp3s now available!
- Lovability
- Healing

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